The 2023-2024 Three Cairns Fellows from Yale School of the Environment are implementing on-the-ground climate solutions across the Global South.
A Yale-based startup has won a $1 million prize for a company that turns banana crop waste into an eco-friendly leather alternative.
In a pair of videos, Yale’s Mae-Ling Lokko explains what makes a structure a “living” building.
A colorful new climate mural by Yale School of Art alumna Victoria Martinez ‘20 M.F.A. was made with cooling paint meant to lessen the urban heat island effect.
The ambitious Yale Divinity School residence hall is expected to give back to the environment more than it takes.
Jordan Williams is revitalizing Yale’s West Campus Farm—cultivating a sustainable food system that promotes community, health, and stewardship for the earth.
Yale’s Anthony Leiserowitz recently spoke to NPR about whether this summer’s extreme weather will shift opinion on climate change.