
unplugged chord
July 17, 2020
Over the past several months, many buildings have been shutdown due to the pandemic. As a result of this, Yale University realized significant energy savings and emissions...
jodi sherman speaking
May 18, 2020
The US healthcare system’s reliance on a global supply chain and just-in-time delivery has been good for the bottom line.  However, critical shortages of personal protective...
student liaisons together standing
April 23, 2020
At a challenging time in Yale’s history, the Sustainability Liaisons represent a bright spot as they conclude their first full academic year of advancing student engagement...
Earth Week at Home logo with dates April 19 - 25
April 16, 2020
In honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Yale Sustainability has created a portal that features daily quizzes and pledges, learning opportunities, climate stories, and...
Best Workplace for Commuters Logo 2020
February 4, 2020
For the third year in a row, Yale University has proudly been named one of the Best Workplaces for Commuters in 2020. Yale strives to provide premier commuting benefits to...