
Pierson students discussing sustainability week.
April 10, 2019
This spring, the Office of Sustainability, through their Sustainability Service Corps program, has worked to engage students in the undergraduate residential colleges by...
Spring Salvage worker vest
April 4, 2019
Yale Facilities likes a green campus. The leadership and staff are enthusiastically supporting two campus-wide programs to support the reuse of materials.   Declutter,...
April 1, 2019
Yale Grounds Maintenance continually looks for ways to improve operations and this year, one such change has successfully addressed the challenges of landscape watering on...
March 21, 2019
Yale Hospitality operations are already focused on sustainable food sourcing and are now focusing on improving the sustainability of other materials that they source...
March 19, 2019
With longer days and the warmer weather ahead, the Office of Sustainability and Being Well at Yale encourage you to get outdoors! Spending time in green spaces provides a...