Andy Bromage
Current Responsibilities: Andy is an experienced communications professional with a background as an award-winning journalist. He has written about a range of environmental topics from nuclear power to the hazards of lead shot for wildlife. As the Sustainability Communications Specialist, Andy is responsible for leading communications related to Yale’s sustainability goals. He manages the Office’s website, social media channels and e-newsletters; writes articles and explainers on sustainability-related topics; and helps to coordinate campus-wide events.
Previous Positions: Director of Communications, The Foote School; News Editor and Staff Writer, Seven Days; Editor, the New Haven Advocate; Staff Writer, the New Haven Register
Academic/Professional Credentials and Appointments: B.A. in Sociology, Colorado College
Fun Fact: Andy is co-owner of a community-supported microfarm in Branford that offers organic vegetables, cut flowers, maple syrup and original poetry.