Celebrate Earth Week 2016 with us

April 18, 2016

April 18-22 is Earth Week at Yale. Groups around campus are hosting events to celebrate our planet and the efforts of those who steward it. If you’re planning a sustainability-related event during the week that you would like to have featured, get in touch and we will post it here!

Monday, April 18

Yale Divinity Earth Day Chapel
Marquand Chapel, 10:30 AM

Local Climate Change Planning: A Discussion of Policy Responses by Connecticut, New Haven, and Yale
Yale Law School, Room 124, 12:10 PM – 1:00 PM

This panel features Robert Klee, Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection; Giovanni Zinn, City Engineer for the City of New Haven; and Melissa Goodall, Associate Director of the Yale Office of Sustainability. The panelists will disaggregate the concept of “local responses” to climate change by showing that there are multiple scales of local governance with different climate change-related needs and capabilities. The panelists will explore how responses can be tailored to each scale, as well as how the three scales of “local” can collaborate to achieve mutual benefits.

Tuesday, April 19

Join the Kroon Carbon Challenge Team and On the Margin Student Interest Group for a lunch presentation and discussion
Kroon Hall, Room 321, 12:00 PM

The Kroon Carbon Challenge Team will share their experience participating in the design and implementation of Kroon’s carbon reduction efforts. Have questions? Bring ‘em! Have an appetite? Bring it! Have comments or suggestions? They’re welcome too!

Thursday, April 21

FES Edible Courtyard Site Preparation
FES North Courtyard between Kroon Hall and Sage Hall, 11 AM – 2 PM

Volunteers are welcome to join throughout, whether for just 15 minutes of stress relief or the whole duration! Lunch for volunteers will be provided by our FES CFE SIG – bring your own plates and utensils.

Yale Forest Forum Lunch Talk
Marsh Hall Rotunda, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM

Gregory Ormsby from the Center for Agroforestry at Missouri State University. Gregory will be giving a talk on the subject of Silvopasture, some of the results of UMCAs past and ongoing research, advances in outreach and adoption, as well as areas we are planning with new research and silvopasture implementation.

Friday, April 22: Earth Day!

Sustainability Service Corps Waste Audit
The Sustainability Service Corps will be doing a waste audit in Branford College, examining waste streams and identifying common contaminants.

Peabody Museum Connect to the Earth!
Yale Peabody Museum, 11:00 AM

Unearth the wonders of nature on Earth Day. Experience specimens from our collections that are rarely on display, and discover the beetles, birds, and botanical bounty that share our planet home. We’ll have fun and engaging activities for the whole family.

Agrarian Studies Spring 2016 Colloquium
Luce Hall, Room 203

Chris Gratien, Agrarian Studies Postdoctoral Fellow, “A Modern Life of Transhumance: The Summer Quarters and the Transformation of Late Ottoman Anatolia.” Part of the “Hinterlands, Frontiers, Cities, and States: Transactions and Identities” colloquium series.

FES Science and Storytelling Symposium
Various areas, 4/22 12:00 PM – 4/23 6:00 PM

In today’s interconnected world, it is no longer enough for scientists to simply publish their findings in academic journals. Writers, artists, photographers, filmmakers and other storytellers are increasingly seen as essential collaborators in scientific exploration. These storytellers help explain not only how scientific research is conducted but, critically, what it means for society. Get more details.

Yale Hunger and Homelessness Action Project Fast
If you’re participating in a Yale Meal Plan, donate your meal swipes to fight homelessness and hunger in New Haven!

If you are eating in the Dining Hall on Friday, April 22, enjoy a specially prepared sustainable menu.


Reclaim Earth Day and expand the narrative. Share your Climate Story with the Yale Climate Stories Project

Sustainability Service Corps College Energy Competition

The week leading up to Earth Day (Fri 4/15 to Thurs 4/21), the SSC Energy Squad will collect data on daily electricity usage of each college. The goal is for your college to make the biggest improvement in energy consumption. On Earth Day, the SSC will announce the winning college! The winning college will receive a delicious study break courtesy of the Office of Sustainability. Freshman on Old Campus & annexed/off campus students can also participate towards your college’s victory by getting more people to like your college’s Sustainability FB page! We will look at increase of page likes at the end of the week, and add that percentage to your college’s energy usage percentage change! Additional bonus points for each photo posted to your FB page’s wall -anything related to energy saving/efficiency! For this challenge, these actions are just as important as reducing your energy consumption in the colleges.

Monday, April 25

A Future Free from Fear: Why We Must Act on Climate Change Today
Burke Auditorium, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM

Presented by Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC. Followed by a discussion with Daniel C. Etsy, Hillhouse Professor of Environmental Law and Policy